The lower lake of Village Farms adjoins the community pool and clubhouse. It lies along Adios Pass and Oak Ridge Road. The side of the lower lake that lines Oak Ridge Road is flanked by native wildflower gardens and a walking trail for the community’s enjoyment. Additional parking for better access to the wildflower trail and an alternative fishing area is available on Fox Lane.

The upper lakes lie along Oak Ridge Road and E. Greyhound Pass. They include a walkable dam and several spots for access to fishing. All lakes within Village Farms are open to non-motorized boats and swimmers and lay along several of our community member’s homes. Each of Village Farm’s three lakes contains many different species of wildlife, including several different types of birds, fish, and insects.

The Village Farms Homeowners Association works hard to maintain and protect the quality of the lakes for better community-wide use. This also includes the preservation and careful observation of all of the natural wildlife in the surrounding area, which allows for the enjoyment of our many different wildlife and plant species for years to come. The lakes are monitored and cared for by our dedicated Homeowners Association.