2024 Events!

by VF Admin
by VF Admin
Our annual HOA meeting is on April 16th and, as you may know, this meeting requires a quorum of 10% of our residents (77) to be in attendance either personally or through a proxy. The proxy form to be used for this meeting is included and it should be completed by anyone who can’t attend the meeting in person, but is willing to designate a proxy, or “stand-in,” to vote in his/her place. To complete the form a resident can designate a proxy by printing that person’s name in the space provided. This individual can be a friend, or someone you trust, who will attend the meeting, a sitting Board member who will attend the meeting or it can be left blank, in which case the president of the Board will vote in your absence. Next, you will want to place an “X” in the blank to authorize your proxy to vote in your place when appropriate. And last, you need to date and sign the form and then complete the resident identification block by printing your name and address in the spaces provided. Once the form is completed, you can then do one of the following:
1.) Give it to the individual designated as your proxy, who should then bring it to the meeting for verification purposes or,
2.) If preferred, you can return it by mail to The Village Farms, Inc., P.O. Box 717, Westfield, IN 46074 or,
3.) E-mail it to propertymanager@thevillagefarms.com or,
4.) You can hand deliver it to the clubhouse drop box (next to lower level door).
All of this information will be listed on the proxy form as well.
In addition, the proxy form is self-addressed and stamped on the reverse for your convenience should you choose to mail it. Merely re-fold it with the address on the outside, seal the exposed edge with clear tape and drop it in the mail. No stamp is necessary. If you choose to mail in the form, hand deliver it to the Clubhouse, e-mail it, you should do so in time for it to arrive at least 2 days prior to the date of the meeting so it can be verified.
Your BOD looks forward to seeing you in April or receiving your proxy form in lieu of attending.
by VF Admin
If you would like to sign up for the craft fair, please fill out this form!
🐰 Today’s Easter egg hunt will be held indoors due to the rain. Please enter the clubhouse through the lower level to start. Thank you! 🐰
by VF Admin
Our annual HOA meeting is on April 18th and, as you may know, this meeting requires a quorum of 10% of our residents (77) to be in attendance either personally or through a proxy. The proxy form to be used for this meeting is included and it should be completed by anyone who can’t attend the meeting in person, but is willing to designate a proxy, or “stand-in,” to vote in his/her place. To complete the form a resident can designate a proxy by printing that person’s name in the space provided. This individual can be a friend, or someone you trust, who will attend the meeting, a sitting Board member who will attend the meeting or it can be left blank, in which case the president of the Board will vote in your absence. Next, you will want to place an “X” in the blank to authorize your proxy to vote in your place when appropriate. And last, you need to date and sign the form and then complete the resident identification block by printing your name and address in the spaces provided. Once the form is completed, you can then do one of the following:
1.) Give it to the individual designated as your proxy, who should then bring it to the meeting for verification purposes or,
2.) If preferred, you can return it by mail to The Village Farms, Inc., P.O. Box 717, Westfield, IN 46074 or,
3.) E-mail it to propertymanager@thevillagefarms.com or,
4.) You can hand deliver it to the clubhouse drop box (next to lower level door).
All of this information will be listed on the proxy form as well.
In addition, the proxy form is self-addressed and stamped on the reverse for your convenience should you choose to mail it. Merely re-fold it with the address on the outside, seal the exposed edge with clear tape and drop it in the mail. No stamp is necessary. If you choose to mail in the form, hand deliver it to the Clubhouse, e-mail it, you should do so in time for it to arrive at least 2 days prior to the date of the meeting so it can be verified.
Your BOD looks forward to seeing you in April or receiving your proxy form in lieu of attending.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for these events, please contact Maggie Cordaro at social@thevillagefarms.com