We are having a study performed next week on the Village Farms lakes to analyze fish populations, water quality and other factors.
The contractor will arrive around Thursday, October 24th around 6 PM to check out the launches. They will start on one pond and then continue on until the work is completed, whether it be 12 am or later. They will take a water sample and a temperature/oxygen profile on each pond.
During the time the work is being performed, you will see a boat with a boom off the front with a stainless steel ball sitting in the water. The boat has a quiet generator that will be running during shocking time. You will notice lights on the front of the boat, and one person dipping fish as they go along the shoreline. After they shock for a certain amount of time, they will weigh and measure the fish and put them back into the water.
If you would like to observe from the shoreline, you are advised that you MUST stay back at least 50 feet. Please don’t be doing anything in the water while they are conducting the surveys, including fishing etc.
Please feel free to contact the Director of Lakes Management if you have any questions or concerns.