Join the families of Village Farms for the Fourth of July Bike Parade on Monday, July 4th to celebrate the holiday!
Participants of all ages are encouraged to decorate their bikes, trikes, wagons, strollers, roller blades, etc. For those who would like to walk a shorter route, please see the map for the alternate walking route.
Starting at 11am participants can gather at the lower parking lot of the clubhouse and will start the ride/walk at 11:30am. The parade will then follow the path of the map- Adios Pass – Amkey Way – Senator Way – E. Laredo Way N – Amkey Way – Adios Pass – clubhouse parking lot.
Make sure to step outside of your houses along the the path to cheer on the kids of Village Farms as they walk and roll by!
Please reach out to Sonia Johns for any questions regarding the parade –